Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Randy Stonehill

In the summer of 78 I lived in Blairsville Ga and stayed for most of that time with my cousin Joe. He listened everyday and night to a record by a guy named Randy Stonehill. I should have overdosed on that recording but instead grew to love it more every year. It was called “Welcome to Paradise”.
As time went by I now know that many others were influenced by that album and the gifted artist, singer and songwriter. Years later it has been released on C.D. but I have purchased it in album, 8-track and cassette format. I have almost all of the recordings that Randy has made in his career, and I believe they all are great.

I started playing guitar that same year inspired byRandy, Neil Young and James Taylor . I have written songs and sang at concerts, coffeehouses and churches since 1979 and still can’t shake my desire to actually play music with Randy so I asked his manager Ray Ware if I could give him a recording of one of my songs. One thing led to another and I have sent two songs to his partner Mike Pachelli hoping he will get to hear them and maybe want to work on songs together.

This would be the highlight of my career, an honor I don’t deserve and just like God to give the desires of my heart to me. God has rekindled the dream in me and given me songs to sing and a message to preach. Let’s watch the mountain move together shall we?


Saur♥Kraut said...

Wow!!! I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed for you! ;o) That would be a marvellous opportunity!

Carly said...

Hello Ted, come 2 my blog.

Suzy-Q said...

I can see it starting to quiver